Vagrant Cheatsheet

Quick References

vagrant initInitializes a new Vagrantfile in the current directory.
vagrant upStarts and provisions the Vagrant environment.
vagrant haltStops the running Vagrant environment.
vagrant destroyDestroys the current Vagrant environment, freeing resources.
vagrant statusShows the status of the current Vagrant environment.
vagrant sshSSH into the running Vagrant machine.
vagrant provisionReruns the provisioning on the Vagrant environment.
vagrant reloadRestarts the Vagrant machine and applies any changes to the Vagrantfile.
vagrant suspendSuspends the current Vagrant environment.
vagrant resumeResumes a suspended Vagrant environment.
vagrant box listLists all the boxes installed on your system.
vagrant box add Adds a new box from a source (e.g., a URL or Vagrant Cloud).
vagrant box remove Removes a box from the local storage.
vagrant box updateUpdates the box for the given Vagrant environment.
vagrant plugin listLists installed Vagrant plugins.
vagrant plugin installInstalls a new Vagrant plugin.
vagrant packagePackages the running Vagrant machine into a reusable box.
vagrant global-statusShows the status of all Vagrant environments on the system.
vagrant shareShares the Vagrant environment via a publicly accessible URL.
vagrant snapshot saveTakes a snapshot of the current state of the Vagrant machine.
vagrant snapshot restoreRestores the Vagrant machine to a previously saved snapshot.