Title here
Summary here
Command | Description |
exit | To deactivate a pipenv environment |
pipenv --python <version> | Create a new virtual environment with the specified Python version (e.g., pipenv --python 3.9 ). |
pipenv install <package> | Install a package and add it to the Pipfile. |
pipenv install --dev <package> | Install a development package and add it to the [dev-packages] section of the Pipfile. |
pipenv install --skip-lock | Install dependencies without locking them in Pipfile.lock. |
pipenv uninstall <package> | Uninstall a package and remove it from the Pipfile. |
pipenv uninstall --all | Uninstall all dependencies from the environment. |
pipenv lock | Generate Pipfile.lock from Pipfile. |
pipenv update | Update all packages to the latest versions and update Pipfile.lock. |
pipenv update <package> | Update a specific package to the latest version. |
pipenv shell | Spawn a shell in the virtual environment. |
pipenv run <command> | Run a command in the virtual environment (e.g., pipenv run python script.py ). |
pipenv check | Check for security vulnerabilities in dependencies. |
pipenv graph | Display a dependency graph of installed packages. |
pipenv sync | Install all packages from Pipfile.lock. |
pipenv clean | Remove unused packages from the virtual environment. |
pipenv --rm | Remove the virtual environment. |
pipenv open <package> | Open the installed package’s source folder. |
pipenv install --ignore-pipfile | Install dependencies from Pipfile.lock only, ignoring changes in the Pipfile. |
pip3 install pip_search | Install the pip_search binary |
pip_search <package> | Search for the Python Package |